A window on the world of frames

The one of frames is a surprising world, even more in our era, in which the progress of technology offers innovative solutions. To always be updated and discover the latest news regarding frames and fixtures there is our blog. In the Futura Infissi website, at the news section, you can read article to explore solutions for a better liveability of the space, both indoor and outdoor.

Frames perform, in fact, important functions, starting from the support to the fixture, guaranteeing the opening and closing of windows and doors, but also assuring the correct insulation. Our window on the world of frames wants to be a moment of reflection, to provide concrete parameters for their choice and maintenance.

Le news di Futura Infissi

Making the house cosier and more comfortable

An important matter we focused on recently is the sound-proof feature, a not so easy to manage element, especially for the city houses or those which require a modernisation. We talk too little about the acoustic insulation, even if it is a key factor for a frame, at the same level of the thermal insulation. Frames are able to make our life inside the building so much better, with an affordable investment, especially since the Ecobonus 110% entered into force. The liveability of the house, when we speak about frames, passes through the style choices too, one of our key parameters together with price and functionality, at the base of contemporary design. Every week we offer a 360° view on the frames and fixtures world which aims to be an enjoyable and especially useful source.

Latest news from Futura Infissi

Futura Infissi news section allows to keep updated on the latest news regarding our company too. One, in particular, is making us feel proud of our work and it is from this year, 2022: we are talking about the partnership with Gibus Atelier. Futura Infissi is officially entering the Gibus Atelier list, acquiring an important value, able to assure even more up-to-date services in terms of protection from warmth, cold, noise, together with top quality, low impact environmentally speaking and highly innovative products. An amazing news that we couldn’t wait to share with our community!

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