Acoustic insulation: how to choose the best frames

The choice of frames is crucial to guarantee a great everyday life inside a building, both private and public. Frames are, in fact, able to influence not only the indoor temperature, but also the sound insulation, an important factor for those locations placed in particularly noisy contexts such as, for example, the urban setting. Therefore, not all the frames are the same, seen the multiple types present in the market and choosing can be difficult.

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Windows and acoustic insulation: sliding or hinged?

The hinged window is characterised by greater acoustic performances compared to the sliding one, despite the fact of being a classic sliding type or a flush-to-wall one. This of course is a valid starting argument factors being equal – quality of glass and installation work. Therefore, if the context is particularly noisy hinged windows represent an optimal solution without any doubt.

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A second key factor to consider when choosing insulating frames from the acoustic perspective is the number of panels, an element that directly influences the final result. The number of panels, in fact, can negatively influence the acoustic performance, as we can affirm that more panels mean a lower acoustic insulation. In fact, what is counter-productive is the increase of coupling, which makes it difficult to stop both air and noise.

Therefore, where air is able to flow, sounds are too. Draughts are the number one enemy of acoustic and thermal insulation. Consequently, is better to opt for high quality solutions, able to guarantee the longest durability in time and the simplest maintenance.

A frame for your needs

A frame should always be chosen based on the acoustic needs, being them minimum, medium or high. In the case of a quiet house, placed for example in the fields, the priorities in terms of sound-proof performances are minimum, we can say they can easily be less important. This does not mean that the frame shouldn’t be a quality one, but that the characteristics we have to focus on are others, such as comfort and aesthetics.

If, instead, a house is placed in the middle of the city than it is very likely that you could witness episodes of night shouting, for example, therefore it is necessary to rely on acoustic insulating frames. It is better to prefer a thicker glass and products with a highest soundproofing rate.

In the end, if the house or apartment is placed in an environment in which the noise is not only present, but it is particularly high for example near an airport, a train station or a factory, the best choice is to opt for hinged solutions that have a reduced number of panels, even better if they have only one.

The choice of a frame is never unilateral when we speak about acoustic insulation. It is a crucial factor that may vary based on the single structure and to be considered and chosen with extreme care and attention.

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