Awnings and pergolas


Awnings, pergolas and curtains represent different kinds of coverings, from the fabric used as a protective screen for windows and patio-doors inside the house to various types of covering structures, folding too, for outdoor. Especially, when summer is near, it is very pleasant to enjoy the rays of sun in a gradual and nice way, sheltering from the dangerous and powerful UV rays. From curtains to awnings, from folding coverings to pergolas: our lines of products reflect the needs of any client, both stylistically and technically.

Awnings and pergolas by Futura Infissi impactfully contribute to create a new lifestyle for the house or office, taking advantage of the possibility of making the most out of the surroundings too, without giving up on protection from sun and bad weather. Many are the models among which you can choose: modern or classic style systems, folding or fixed, for home or for business. Our curtains are entirely custom-made, our customers have the possibility to choose among artisanal fabrics and quality materials through which the requested products will be created, to obtain an original, unique and functional element, all in one.


The awnings proposed by Futura Infissi for their customers are up-to-date systems that come with high technical qualities and a pleasant design. They are created to optimise the quality of the space, allowing to live in a nicer way, both outside and inside the building.


Pergolas are different from awnings, as they are not retractable. Their functionality is, precisely, their impeccable stability, that makes them suitable for any period of the year, as they are furnished with a fixed structure to which a different cover, based on the client’s requirements, is applied.


The indoor curtains represent an essential feature linked to the aesthetic and style of the house. Despite this, it is important to take into account the fact that, in reality, this type of screen has an important functional value too.

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