In every single country construction industry presents specific and important peculiarities. One of them, typically italian, is the counter frame for windows. In this article we are going to explain better what it is, what are its features and why is it particularly helpful.

Controtelaio finestre: cosa c'è da sapere

What is a counter frame for windows?

A counter frame is an essential element for the frames and fixtures world as its function is to fix the frame to the window. It is known, in italian, with various names “controtelaio”, “telaio morto” or “casamatta”, but its role is always to guarantee a steady connection between the wall and the fixture.

The use of the counter frame for windows date back to the ‘eighties, with the purpose of creating a structure to fasten with less effort the fixed frame of the window, creating an intermediate level between wall and fixture. The process requires ad hoc materials, starting from pillars to crossbeams.

The choice and installation of a counter frame are a responsibility of the constructing firm unless the contract states otherwise. Despite this, to make sure the work is perfectly made it is important to rely on professional companies, specialised in frames and fixtures as in the case of Futura Infissi. Only this way there will be a certainty of an impeccable final result.

The advantages 

The counter frames are useful for different reasons. First of all, they help to create a sort of box around the window allowing to clearly separate the floor and plaster sections from it.

It is a valid procedure of mechanical anchoring, as long as it is effectively made for the sake of mechanical stability. It permits, moreover, the correct stylistic and technical shape of the lateral surfaces, to guarantee a stable balance.

It is important for the counter frame for windows to be complete of thermal insulation features, able to assure the correct performances and be long lasting. A valid functionality from the acoustic perspective too is required. A non-professional product, therefore, presents the risk to have serious issues regarding thermal insulation, water infiltrations and a poor stability of the window.

The counter frame for windows has to be stable, insulating and able to last long in time. It represents the ideal channel between the inner and outer parts of the window. Another reason to choose modern and advanced models is the better protection against mould and condensation. A high-quality counter frame should always have a thermal function.

In conclusion 

The use of a counter frame for windows is typical of the italian country. This though does not mean it is not essential, even though the other countries do not use it. For example, in the north of Europe the PVC, aluminium or wooden windows are installed directly on the wall, a delicate process that requires a better precision in prior calculations.

The counter frame is one of the products that make Italy excellent in the field, allowing project to be realised with efficiency and quality. It is a working method adapt to the beauty, excellence and importance of the italian architectural structures.

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