Frames and fixtures

Our frames and fixtures are made of quality materials, crafted by experts to then by installed with great care, to be long-lasting and guarantee maximum safety.


Our window frames are realised using the best suited elements according to the situation: aluminium, wood and aluminium or PVC, always making sure to respect the structure and the aesthetics. Aluminium is a malleable and resistant component, which permits to produce durable, safe and excellently thermal and sound insulating. By mixing wood and aluminium it is possible to add to the feature of the latter extra strength and durability, together with a touch of warmth. Moreover, they are even more aesthetically refined. PVC, instead, has a great price-quality ratio, offers a wide choice of colours and, most of all, is very resistant to water and wind, being easily adaptable to any kind of building.


Interior doors are created using various materials: from the traditional wood to the more modern aluminium, always with the aim to offer safety and high performances. The main entrances, on the other hand, are more solid and heavy, adding character and specific energy to the interior.


We offer a wide range of blinds, both adjustable and fixed made of aluminium, wood or PVC, according to the client’s needs, and long-lasting despite the prolonged exposure to rain and wind. The adjustable shutters, besides being a thermal and acoustic repair, offer the possibility to balance the levels of light inside the room, based on the result desired. The fixed one, instead, is a revisited classic, in order to obtain further safety and allow to maintain the light in the room without giving up on the privacy aspect.


Sliding windows and patio doors made of glass are designed to be higly resistant to internal and external shock as well as noise pollution, cold and bad weather. Modern and stylish, they constitute a great asset, both functional and aesthetic.


Security is a topic of central importance to us. In Futura Infissi we create ad hoc solutions for our customers: customised armoured doors, shutters and small gates, the traditional grating and much more.

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