Interior and front doors


Interior and front doors are essential and eye-catching elements, having an important role in the style of the house or office they are in. Futura Infissi offers a wide selection of manufacture products and colours.

Interior doors are produced using a variety of materials, from the classic wood to the modern aluminium, always with the aim to provide security and the best performance in terms of durability.


Wood doors represent a timeless classic, elegant and solid, showing sturdiness, not only in the look, but also in the constitution. Wood is an easy to process material with many shades, characteristic that makes it adapt to various settings, from an office to an apartment.


Modernity brought significant changes in the use of materials and glass doors are a clear example of this improvements. Glass represents a strong contradiction: fragile at first sight, it is, as a matter of fact, shock-resistant and adapt to the most extreme manufacturing processes, such as carving and decorations. Available in transparent and opaque versions, it symbolises lightness and innovation.


Other types of interior doors are different not only in material but in shape too. Beside the classic versions – available also in the flush-to-wall variation without frame but directly integrated with the brickwork, to gain an extremely minimal and tidy style – we propose folding doors, foldable and handy, sliding doors, simple and useful, and pivot sliding doors: all efficient and low-profile solutions, to choose from based on one’s needs.


Front doors are solid and heavier, infusing a sensation of strength to the entire facility. Their most important feature is security: they reached 100% safety thanks to the accurate working process and definition of details, essential elements for an impeccable service. Front gates, made of top quality, carefully selected materials, can be customised based on taste and requirements, from the most classic version to the most modern design.

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