How to clean aluminium frames

Cleaning aluminium frames is an important activity to guarantee their durability in time and their best efficiency. It should be done at least once a week, in order to realise the intervention in a short period of time, with the best result to have an always tidy and clean window or door. How to clean an aluminium frame? It is not difficult at all: the important thing is to use, together with a cloth and sponge, the correct products. A very similar procedure is the one of cleaning a car with a painted surface.

In this article we share with you the tricks to clean aluminium frames in the best way. You will see it is a very easy and fast operation, able to guarantee a lot of satisfaction!

Come pulire gli infissi in alluminio

Which products should you use to clean the aluminium frames?

When we clean aluminium frames it is necessary to select the correct products: neutral ones are recommended. Surprisingly ideal is the delicate, neutral shampoo, which is able to interact with the entire surface of the frame in a very non-aggressive and efficient way, to combine with a product like glass detergent.

Glass detergent contain for sure a bit of ammonia which should be, however, slightly present, in a really low percentage. Its presence is in fact necessary, but it has to be low: it is possible to mix a tiny bit of glass detergent with shampoo. The spray bottle shape is ideal, as it is able to reach everywhere.

Other products to use for cleaning the aluminium frames are those with a natural origin, such as: Marseilles soap – both the pat and the flakes to water down, white vinegar, baking soda or alcohol. These are as effective products as the previous ones.

It is necessary to use a delicate sponge, to match with a specific cloth. Which one? The one you prefer, on the condition that it is a nonabrasive model. To completely avoid the steel formats, which not only ruin the aluminium layers of the frame, but also the glass.

Cleaning frames: the steps

The steps to clean the aluminium frames in the correct way, now that you know which products to use, are quite simple:

  • Eliminate dust with a delicate cloth.
  • Prepare a water basket. The water has to be warm but not boiling.
  • Use a humid cloth on the entire frame surface. The detergent can be sprayed directly on the surface or mixed with water: it depends on the format and on the product you chose. The operation is the same for the glass parts as well, not only for the aluminium ones.
  • Rub gently but firmly: the sponge and the detergent are not aggressive and allow to repeat the operation various times. If the frame is very dirty you can help yourself with newspapers and even a toothbrush for the smallest spots.

When aluminium is an excellent quality material – and in case of Futura Infissi products you always have the certainty of first-choice materials carefully selected – you will find the frame to be in the best conditions for being long-lasting. Now you know how to clean aluminium frames correctly, to always have a nice and tidy house.

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